BIP Resource Videos
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+ BIP Models
The Duluth Model, Coordinated Community Response and Men's Nonviolence Program (Curriculum) Melissa Scaia and Scott Miller
Emerge (Curriculum) David Adams and Ted German
Helping Explore Accountable Lifestyles, HEAL (Curriculum) Jeffrie Cape
ACTV, Act for Domestic Violence in Iowa (Curriculum) Lettie Prell
+ Systems Response
Offender Accountability, A System Perspective Jim Henderson
Innovative Strategies for Courts Rebecca Thomforde Hauser
What DAs Can Do to Hold Domestic Violence Offenders Accountable Sherry McDowell
The Role of Magistrate Court in Domestic Violence Cases Hon Tina Garcia
Remarks on Work of Batterer Intervention Task Force Charles Sallee
The Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative, Invest In Programs that Work Gary R. VanLandingham, PhD
Using Risk Assessment Tools in DV Cases Within a Corrections Setting, DVSI & SARA Nancy Halverson
Creating a Community Focus on Domestic Homicide Prevention Marty Summer
Applying the Effective Corrections Approach to Domestic Violence Lynn Stewart
Responding to High Risk Intimate Partner Violence Connie Sponsler
Address to BIP Task Force, September 11, 2015 Pam Wiseman
+ Research
Partner Abuse Intervention Programs and Partner Abuse Intervention Systems Larry W. Bennett, PhD., LCSW
Batterer Program Effectiveness, A response to the WA Literature Review and Iowa Recidivism Study Edward W. Gondolf, EdD, MPH
A Realistic Appraisal of the Effectiveness of Interventions with Men Who Batter Etiony Aldarondo, PhD
What Works to Reduce Recidivism by Domestic Violence Offenders? Washington State Institute for Public Policy Marna Miller
Beyond Safety, Findings from UK's Project Mirabal Across Six New Measures of Success Nicole Westmarland, PhD
+ Co-Occuring Issues
Managing Substance Use Disorder in Partner Abuse Intervention Programs